Author Archives: J
Star Wars Novels Canon
Release date | in-universe timeline | Title |
July 2015 | 19 BBY | Dark Disciple |
April 2015 | 14 BBY | Lords of the Sith |
November 2014 | 14 BBY | Tarkin |
October 2015 | 14 BBY | Rise of the Empire |
September 2014 | 11 BBY | A New Dawn |
March 2015 | 0 ABY | Heir to the Jedi |
November 2015 | 1 ABY | Battlefront: Twilight Company |
September 2015 | 4 ABY | Aftermath |
May 2016 | 4 ABY | Aftermath – Life Debt |
March 2016 | 28 ABY | Bloodline |
Ever since I started reading Star Wars again, I have been trying to stick to the new canon books. It can be a little difficult to navigate if you have been reading all the EU books, so I managed to steal this list from Wikipedia.
I am not planning to keep this list updated, but I suspect the wiki page will be kept up-to-date.
The Force Awakens on DVD
It looks like The Force Awakens will be released in about a month here in Denmark. As it is, I might have a little bit of vacation coming up around that time. Not too shabby.
Nuff said
Where to begin
Tomorow I will be receiving a small batch of Start Wars books from Amazon. It has been a very long time since I last purchased anyt´hing like this, except for that one Start Wars book I bought in Seattle around Christmas of course.
Last week, the wife and I have built a set of book cases in the living room, which allowed me to bring in my entire book collection. All my books and gamin materials have been stoved away in the shed after we had our third child two years ago, so it is really nice to have at least the books back in the house. In fact, it was so inspiring that I went to Amazon to exercise the credit card, but I also started looking at Blades of the Tiger, which is a part of one of the very best Dragonlance trilogies. Now, I will read my new Start Wars books first, but after that I will return to Krynn.
The evolution of lightsaber duels
Force Cult – Episode 50
First teaser from Star Wars VIII
More Star Wars VIII hints
An adventure just beginning…. #StillNoDialogue #RianHasMoreLinesThanMe #Wait4VIII #StarWars #StarWarsEpVIII
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) February 15, 2016