Just got Holy Orders of the Stars

Holy Orders of the StarsWell, actually I got it the other day, but the weather here has been so good that I haven’t really been online.

So anyway, I am on a quest to buy all the Dragonlance books that Margaret Weis Publishing did a couple of years ago and next in line was Holy Orders of the Stars. I found it on Amazon and paid a whopping £ 1.94. Yes sir, it was that cheap. Shipping and handling made a little more expensive, but all in all I paid around £ 7.

As usual, the quality of the book is astounding. The work is top notch and the authors have bridged a lot of different aspects of Dragonlance, and turned otherwise confusing elements into a coherent representation of the pantheon and religion of Krynn.

If I had a gaming group, this book would be very useful. Hat tip to the authors.

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