Hunting for novels

A few years back, I started collecting Dragonlance books. Well, I started collecting the books I didn’t already have. I managed to get a couple of trilogies, which was quite the project, but nonetheless a successful one.

Now that I am dipping my toes in the Forgotten Realms, I have been trying to get a hold of some the novels, including the Avatar Trilogy. Of course Wizards of the Coast has stopped publishing books, so I have no way of getting my filthy hands on actual books. Kindle and Audible versions are available, but I am old school, and I like to actually read an old fashioned book.

It is unfortunate that WotC cannot come up with a viable business model for the book segement, however, it seems that their narrow focus on gaming material for Forgotten Realms has paid off for them, at least for the past couple of years. Considering the firing rounds in December, it appears that the company is facing some serious challenges.

My search continues, so hopefully I will be able to expand my collection with some Forgotten Realms novels.

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  1. Pingback: Project Avatar moving ahead | JUEL.IN

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